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hotels and public houses

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marbil | 16:18 Sun 19th Oct 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
19 Answers
have looked through endless lists of pubs but still can't find these last few, would be grateful for some help, 6. short university over inn (5,6) 8. shoot farms minerals (9.4) 9. greek letter, 5th note, with the french card game first (3,3,7) 15. shoot onyx, joins iron with south (3,6,3) 19. could be fund maker, not this grand man (4,2,10) 24. quiet lake at home (6,3) 26. quiet french one church, learner follows arrow shooter (5,4) 28. musical set in salzkammergut (3,5,5,3) 30. cedric robinson (3,5,4,5) 34. 100 castles enclose country establishment (10,5) 41. head ran to poncho, craves heavy device 94,3,6) 43. two sets of limbs with short referee (7,4)


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6 Union tavern
28 the white horse inn
no28s clue makes me think of the sound of music as that was set in the salzkammergut area of austria but it doesnt really fit your letters unless there is a way of playing around with the words til they fit.....wonder if it could end in nun..????
smouse you clever person of course, just ignore my answer, ive even stuck my nose in that inn as well, just looked too posh to enter in walking boots and rain
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i agree with the theme of sound of music, so would you please explain to this thicko me how to arrived at the white horse inn
43 Farmers Arms (2 sets of arms with ref )
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have just worked out no 19, duke of cumberland
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got no 41 too
26. punch bowl
15. the snooty fox
24. plough inn
9. pig and whistle ?
(English title: White Horse Inn or The White Horse Inn) is an operetta or musical comedy set in the picturesque Salzkammergut region of Upper

Please tell me 41

9 Pig and whistle

finding it hard to see which you still need so please recap

I jsut need 8 24 30 34 41

30 The Guide over Sands - Cedric Robinson is the Queen's guide over Morecambe Bay
41 Hope and Anchor - anagram of head ran poncho

sorry can't help with the others.
thanks for those
knew who he was but just couldnt find a pub
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my thanks too, i read about cedric but couldn't make any connection, i still need the same ones as you smousse, i am right in thinking that 26 and 42 are both punch bowl
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no 8 - you can get fisherman arms out of it but i don't think it fits with the clue
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hi there smouse, i finally worked out no 8, its Riflemans Arms
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i can only find 3 places with 10 & 5 letters, they are
cumberland hotel, washington hotel and wheatsheaf hotel, i wondered if cumberland hotel would fit for no 34, as 100 is c in roman numerals, land is country, establishment could be hotel, but i can't figure out the castles bit
I had Gunsmiths Arms just before I went to bed.

I dont see why its either of them but it is early - oh can see its an anagram - thanks

I'll think about your thoughts on the last one

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hotels and public houses

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