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can i delete previous questions i have asked?

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onlyme26 | 14:18 Fri 17th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
i think i have wrote some very personal stuff on here through questions, and someone i work with has spotted me on here and now creating their own account, knowing them i know they will prob search through things to see what i have put??? is there any way of me deleting things i have wrote on here???

pelase help?


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Do they know your user name on here?
Question Author
yes, i used the same one when i had a myspace account a few years back, plus when they saw me on it they could have seen, its 90% they would know :( x
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Question Author
i would just rather remain anonymous to be honest, its kinda the point of a username, so you dont have to use your own,
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Question Author
thanks :o) ill do that
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Are you ashamed of anything you have posted on here that you wouldn't want them to know?
It's your business surely.
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yes, I see what you mean. But it must be a spiteful person to want to do that. And it would take her ages though wouldn't it?
I mean....why bother?
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Ok. so what about if you poted a new post asking everyone to report you....then you would get banned....then as no kno up a new account but make sure that WE know who you are....all your old post will be gone forever and you can start again.....and I'm feeling dizzy now.....I might go and have a lie down.....
Question Author
i havent posted anything i would say i was ashamed about, mostly questions in the pregnancy bit, everyone in work knows this anyway, but i have posted some personal health stuff aswell, that i wouldnt want people to know about, all you guys are great to talk to and its easy because you dont know who i am!! lol i doubt they would spitefully look i think it would be a case of be nosey! lol

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can i delete previous questions i have asked?

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