>It may have its impracticalities and its little
>goofs and quirks but they've always been there
We always used to hang people but dont any more
We used to send children up chimneys but dont any more.
The current building is totally impractical for a modern home of government.
Dont get me wrong, the building is wonderful and the two men who desigined it (Charles Barry and Augustus Pugin) did a fantastic job.
But the sight of all those MPs sitting on the stairs on budget day is laughable.
As I said, if that happened in any other place of work the health and safety people would shut it down.
Here is Ethiopia's parliment, how civilised.
http://nazret.com/blog/media/blogs/new/ethiopi a_parliament_ena.jpg
And here is ours, people sitting on the stairs and standing in the corridor, how ridicuous
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/06/11/arti cle-1025413-01904AB000000578-189_468x267.jpg