Hi There This May Be In THe Wrong Section But I Didn't Know What Section To Put It In.
My Parents Are Divorced And Live In Seperate Houses Now I Spend One Weekend At My Mums House And The Next At My Dads, But There's A Problem When I Am At My Mums House There Is A Pony Club That I Have Joined At My Dads House Recently. I Have Been Going Up There Every Weekend But Now My Mum Can't Get Me To Meet My Dads Girlfriend In Time To Get A Bus To Where My Dad Lives So I Can't Go To Pony Club. We Can't Swap Weekends Until Next Year. I Love The Club That I Am At Now Because Of The Nice People So I Don't Want To Swap Groups Has Anyone Got Any Advice To What I Should Do ?
your question dosen't make all that much sense, oing to lack of punctuation (or in some cases, TOO MUCH)
Anyway, you don't say how old you are or if you have anyway of getting there under your own steam, or indeed why you can't swap weekends. The only advice i can give you is we can't always have and do everything we want in life, so until you can swap, you'll just have to lump it. I expect the same people will still be there when you can get to go back
Well if you are of an age whereby you have to be taken every other weekend will have to do for now. But more importantly have you made it clear to the people who are caring for you, if they don`t know how you feel they can`t react.
Good Luck Mamya xx