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Thank you for all your comments, some people have made really good points.
I have spoken to my boyfriend(even sent him this link) and we have had a chat about it.
I do have a friend who is moving down next year to be with her boyfriend that lives there already, and she has said I am welcome to stay with them.
So we have decided that I will go stay with her for a month or two-just to get it out of my system.
Then if like some say I may hate it and come home contented that have done it, but if I love it then will have to cross that bridge when come to it.
(I have even said that my boyfriend can visit me and love it too, but he's says doubt it!)
Thanks again for eveyone's advice, like say I do love my boyfriend but want to experience life aswel, so hopefully this way I will be able to live my dream but also stay with my boyfriend!