Hi David. Haven't set one up for some time, but here goes. Terminal A1 should be fed with the control voltage always on- the plus if you like. Terminal A2 should be fed always also-normally 240volts, Terminal A3 is normally only used for the negative when 24volts are used as the supply voltage-connect 240volts to A3 blows the timer up! (check diagram on side of timer) Fix direct link between term. A1 and Term. 15. Wire a push button switch between Term A1 and Term B1-to give a pulse when pushed to Term B1. Take one wire to strobe from terminal 18, and one wire to strobe from A2 control negative. Set 10 secs on timer. Push button and release. Strobe should light for 10 secs. If Strobe light on when it should be off, take wire from 16 instead of 18 to feed strobe- have a go- hope this helps- carefully check voltage if using Term A3!
All the best