her book was released not so long ago, my question is why is it more or less repeated word for word in yesterdays daily mail? 1, i cannot imagine dawn french having a deal with said paper.?! 2, are the mail stealing her thunder by reprinting parts of book in their own words, therefore bypassing copyright?
It would aid analysis of your observation if the entry in the Daily Mail was accessible for perusal.
Did the article mention her by name? The most recent to do so appears to be dated 19th Oct and is a report of her addressing a festival audience to promote her book...
It can be seen that "yesterday's Daily Mail" is a bit of a red herring when made in relation to articles published during September (days before "Dear Fatty" was published).
So it does transpire that you were actually referring to the three-part serialisation (all three available in my second link) of Alison Bowyer's book, which was published in June. I think it impossible for the author of a book to be thought of as bypassing their own copyright.