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squeak squeak ... (the usual)

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joggerjayne | 19:25 Fri 24th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Sounds dull to admit it, but this Friday I'm just doing "the usual".

Open a bottle, girls come round, drink before we go out, do a couple of bars, find somewhere for dinner, go to a music club, or maybe the casino, walk home p*ssed.

So is anyone doing anything a bit different tonight?

Anything you don't normally do on a Friday ?

In the meantime ... have a glass with me. Cheers.


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Hear have a Brandie to keep the chill out
Question Author
Now you're talking dusty.

And another clever piccie.

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Gotta go.

Bye. Mwah xx
daffy looks like nobodys showed you what can be done with a bottle of �2.00 cava, a computer a label printing machine and a room of drunks,trust me you'll be the the party king/queen if you turn up with a suposed bottle of �5000 champagne! my guess is that you'll never be rumbled as most people would rather save something that expensive for something really big like a childs eventual wedding! the perfect crime.......
I couldn't do that to these particular people abstract,the man of the couple has been a friend of my other half since school and they are as close as brothers.I may come back to you for details if anyone else I know gets engaged etc. in the future ;-)

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squeak squeak ... (the usual)

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