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What is this song about "no other sons of britches"?

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whiskeygirl | 21:24 Sun 16th Dec 2007 | Music
3 Answers
Does anyone know what the song is from the late 60's to mid 70's about a poor man who disguises himself as a sultan or prince to get with the prince's girl? Some lyrics go "replete in years and riches".... "no other sons of britches." Just can't remember who did it or what its name is. Thanks.


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Sounds American. Maybe country, country rock?

Doesnt ring any bell for me just yet?
Had thought of Son of Hickory Holler's Tramp...but a lyric check leaves me way off................................
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Found it! It's called "The Shah's Embroidered Psychodelic Pants." It is a song/recitation of a poem originally written by Joseph S. Newman (Paul's uncle). The song is on "Biff Rose Half Live at the Bitter End" Buddah Records 1970. Rose is a singer/songwriter/entertainer from New Orleans who worked as a comedy sketch writer with George Carlin, among others, in the 60's.

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What is this song about "no other sons of britches"?

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