I cant remember anyone who was in it, and it was pretty rubbish, but it was about two guys who broke out of jail and went around robbing heaps of banks. They met up with a girl who they both felll in love with. At the end they faked their own death by pretending to shoot each other and ambulance guys came in to take them away but they were in on it too, and they managed to make it seem like the ambulance had blown up and killed everyone and burnt them all to ashes. but they escaped and started a new life in another country. If that made any sence, can you tell me what it was called and who starred in it? Its bugging the hell out of me.
And one of the lines was "one of your eyes is slightly darker than the other"
And one of the robbers was convinced he had brain cancer because the other one had been telling him about his brother having brain cancer, and it turned out- he didnt even have a brother!!!