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Walking Boots

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Mowbray | 13:56 Wed 09th Mar 2005 | Shopping & Style
3 Answers

I am wanting to buy a pair of good quality walking boots however, I am unsure which make to buy.

My friend has a pair of Brasher boots which she says are very comfortable.

Some walking boots say '3 season'.  Does this mean that you're feet won't sweat in the summer months?

I'd like to know whether others have worn Brashers or other makes, and how comfortable / value for money they are.

Thanks in advance.



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I've had a number of pairs of walking boots and my current pair are the best I've ever had!  They're karrimor ksb in brown leather.  Not sure about '3 season' but I suppose the material boots may not be as durable and therefore may not be suitable for all seasons.  They can be lighter however but I prefer them to be a bit sturdier. Occasionally outdoor specialist shops have clearance sales very early in the morning but you need to be on their mailing lists to be notified.  Apart from sale boots a good rule of thumb is- if they're cheap, they're not very good!  Also make sure you get a size too big to allow for your walking socks! Hope this helps.

Three seasons (spring summer autumn) means they are suitable for anything apart from deep snow/ice. Unfortunatly if they are waterproof lined your feet will still sweat in summer! This applies to both leather & fabric boots.
I can heartily recommend Brasher boots - my wife and I are still getting faithful service from the pairs we bought around 8 years ago.  They are soft enough to be comfortable and dont need to be broken in, cutting your feet to ribbons, but are also sturdy enough to give good support and grip for most types of walking.  They are Gore-tex lined and we dont find them too sweaty, but they are absolutely waterproof.  As the others have said, cheap boots are unlikely to be any good - be prepared to pay around �110 for your Brasher's and they'll give a good return.  Also, as Poppy says, get a decent fit to allow for thick socks - rather than guessing at a size bigger than usual, any decent outdoor shop will let you try them on with heavy socks to get a comfortable fit.  While you're in, splash out a further �8-�12 on a decent pair of socks - Thorloe or some equivalent.  Dont be put off by the 3-seasons reference - it only means that your boots are not designed for really tough winter work.  Happy buying!

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