If anyone wants to do a quiz where people cant easily provide the answers for others try the Christmas Family Fortune quiz, its easy and a bit of fun and yes there is a prize Its on the Fundraising quizzes website and you can email for it. Details on http://www.sitesaveronline.co.uk/quiz/
Hi oddboddy. I think it's you I have to thank for advertising my 'Colours Quiz' on your website?? If i'm correct, could I thankyou for updating the details with regards to the cheque donations. I wasn't sure how to get in touch with you to let you know. This is much appreciated as this helps the EAAA very much. (If it's not you, then apologies!!!!)
Yes guilty as charged. If you have any more quizzes any time you can either submit them online at the link posted above or you can always get hold of me on oddbods website http://www.oddbods.org.uk/
or email [email protected]
But if you use the link to Fundraising quizzes you can submit them online That goes for anyone with a quiz, a query or anything.
If you send for it you'll see LOL You can ask the answers of course but it wouldnt be any nearer to the right answer than if someone answered it themselves. I wasnt doubting the ability of AB's members honest LOL Its just a bit of fun and something a bit different.