I send in the Observer Everyman crossword most weeks, as did a friend of mine until he died recently at 92. Amazingly, and I can't explain it, I have won it about 5 times as had my friend in a couple of years and we both have won the books, ie, 1st 3, as well as the book token. The first time I won it I had posted it to catch the 12:30 Saturday collection so, working on the assumption that among the last to arrive put itnear the top I posted as late as possible until I found my friend invariably posted his on the Monday. Thereafter I posted mine on any day and, as I say, won several times. So, no help at all there, and I don't usually win things. I do try to write very clearly, esp. my name and address. They're only human and I bet they discard the indecipherable ones until they find one that's easy to read.