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russelll brand quits

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legendis.god | 19:02 Wed 29th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Watch to see him get another job
plenty cash

alll blow over




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You watch, I could not give a sh1te about his future prospects.
just been watching them on the news and even the apology wasdon ewith tongue in cheek!and jr programme recorded tonight, wont be!!
The person who came out of all this the best was Andrew Sachs, now there's a man with real character and dignity. I would rather sit and watch him reading a book (to himself) that suffer either of those two juvenile idiots.
They are a pair of prats at best and I dont really care if I see Brand (he/she) anywhere but at least the story has kept us off the bl00dy credit crunch for a few days !!!
The question is will Ross the dross have the decency to resign his obscenly paid job as a talentless prat being paid with our money, and will he offer to give it all back? There will be 50 million dead people in this country if we all hold our breath until he does, my money says he will walk away to the bank assuming we are nothing but irritating minions who will never understand why he is such a superior intelect to us ''plebs ' who pay his wages, I for one want my money back, perhaps a free tv licence for ten years would be appropriate!!
My initial reaction when all this blew up was if you put two gigantic egos into the confined space of a studio you're bound to get trouble, they were like a pair of three year olds vying for their mummy's attention it was so pathetic. They are not fit to lace Andrew Sachs' boots! I wish they could be taught a right lesson but it won't happen-after all they're celeb, right?
the only man in the universe who makes whiffey seem funny.
It did cross my mind that the BBC might be too scared to fire them, incase the two of them decided to sue. then i forgot all about it because I have a low attention span sometimes

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