the other day .. we were having a discussion with this part time woman in her late Forties.
she said she told her 13 year old son off for saying the word ****** (Bu99er - just incase it filters it out) because it was a swear word, and told him to use Bollox (B0110X) instead. But i disagree same as well as others in the office who are under 35yrs of age. Whereas over 35+ says Bu99ers is worse than B0llox
i thought Bu99ers was an ok word to use, but the word B0llox - sounds worse. i rememeber as i was growing up i hear Elderly uses the word bu99ers and bloody alot. and was told it is kinda swear word.. but as time went by these words were acceptable to use at school. so whose right??
well I was wondering this about the word T**t I have always thought that this and the C word were the worst ever, but my 17 year old who has never sworn in front of me, and doesn't swear generally has referred to people as this lately, some celebrities or friends, it seems to be in the context of ********.
Ah - but he's 17, so BOUND to use and hear swear words when he's out. At least the words aren't directed AT you, but ABOUT folk. Even so, I hope my own boys don't start swearing in front of me. It's just something about good old- fashined respect. What they say out of earshot'll be a different thing.
Its actually my daughter Ice! and I honestly don't think she thinks it's too bad a word to use or I know she wouldn't have. I have never heard her say the F word or B word, it's just this T that threw me, I heard the contraversial Jonathan Ross use it in a similar way the other week on tv without a bleep. Just thought like b**ger the word might have evolved.
Just realised that the word I tried to explain as a context was deleted! even though there is a member with this name? anyway meant in the context of prat, but I wrote KHead.
Awww - sorry for the mistake curiousity. I was typing but being interrupted there. No, I understand what you mean, anyway. I swear myself sometimes, although never in front of the children. It's just the same as I'd never use foul language in front of MY parents, either - well, not the F or C ones.
(OK, I know it's not exactly a swear word) but the likes of the Sun newspaper use it (in plural) to refer to Boobs or Titties or whatever else you want to call 'em !!
So, if "Norks" is a pair - what is a "NORK" to start with ??