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So Far No Fireworks!!!

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puddicat | 16:50 Wed 29th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Well its now the 29th and i havent heard a firework go off,this must be a record, i am going out later so i am hoping there isnt going to be any going off i can only hope!!!!


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lucky you puddi, they have been going off daily here, in fact I saw a teenager aiming a rocket into the street the other day :S
You're lucky!!

Last night they scared the hell outa me.

Kids always seem to let them off later and later, so 11 oclock last night, they were banging away!!!

I thought there was a law against letting fireworks off before the 5th!!
hey puddicat, i was saying this the other day, i live in leicester and of course its Diwali at the moment so we expect some but usually its been ten times worse than this by now. Must be the credit crunch! lol
hey puddicat!

ur still a coward cazz
what does that mean??????? :I
I have been hearing fireworks for a 2 or 3 weeks and neighbours started a firework event last night at 6pm and continued on and off, but mostly on, till 10.30pm.

I don't have a problem with it but 4 hours is a bit much. Must have cost a small fortune as well.

And as I write this I can hear fireworks coming from nearby....
Have only heard fireworks one night in the last few weeks & that is a record for these parts too puddi!

You're having a quite a busy afternoon following people about aren't you Queen? You must be terribly bored.

ahem, i said hi traitor smudge!
Have no idea what you're referring to Queen, but notice that you've also been busy following others around on here this afternoon, making equally silly remarks to them.

Now run along & make youreslf a nice cuppa, it'll do you good.

(Sorry puddi).
Hiya puddicat :o)

Since the cheap shop up town closed down last year (which sold every firework you could imagine), we've had one firework go off during the day in August but not heard any since!!!! It's great as usually they are forever going off day and night from end of Sept onwardst! In fact it's quite surreal to NOT hear any!!! Maybe the idiots that were letting them off every blooming night have actually grown up at last!
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Still waiting its early yet!!!,
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Good Morning, still no fireworks last night,cant believe this!!!
I was in our local shop yesterday and was talking to the chap behind the counter when I saw a box of fireworks marked up at �40, I happened to mention that that was a lot of money to spend on a few fireworks, he said that's not a few, that's just ONE rocket!!! Apparently he's sold about 30 already, what a complete waste of money!

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So Far No Fireworks!!!

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