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Pasta's Thread

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Eve | 14:15 Thu 30th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I can't get on to answer you but I am still working on teaching mine to make a decent cuppa :)


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Ok, everyone's going to think I'm mad now (ok, maybe madder) and talking to myself :)
You're not mad; i was going to answer but it seems to have vanished! How strange.
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Very strange, did she get zapped?

Couldn't see anything wrong with the thread itself, did she use the p*ssy word? Maybe they're being a bit OTT???
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A post of her's is still on a thread in Food....curiouser and curiouser...
Where did it go???
I looked in A&N and Pets......not there???

What was it about?
So you're not banned then? Somebody just didn't like that question - odd.
Oh, well, shall we just carry it on here? I was going to say it would be more useful if you could train him to carry bags of shopping : )
My girl cat has a thing about helium balloons. If there is one in the house she drags it about during the night and leaves it at your bedside si when I open my eyes it is right in front of me.

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