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In a Pickle I Apologise!!!

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puddicat | 00:12 Fri 31st Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I was wrong forgive me???


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What's that all about,puddi??
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I just love your name - I was Sally Pickles and my dog is named Pickles!!
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My eyes have been opened, one of my sisters friend is gay and lives with his partner, i had these blinkered eyes on gays, thought i was accepting but deep down i wasnt, had such a great time when i met them as a couple!!!
Well thats a good thing to feel like that and realise we are all equal whoever we fall in love with!
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My sister and dave her mate sometime share helping out with child care, my niece and nephew stay and there wonderful house,they are so funny steve the big irish boy, and dave so soft and funny and full of life so happy, if only we could all be a bit like them!!!
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sorry should rephrase that lol!!
In a Pickle - thank you for remembering my old name and my lovely dog (snoring on my feet as I type!!)
Puddicat - I am impressed with you for having the honesty and decency to apologise to a lovely fella (IAP) for a misconception.. As you can see, IAP really is a great guy, in fact I am quite proud to say that I know him.
Question Author
yep juggle i was a heinz 57 thought i was funky and new age but i wasnt and i was nasty to pickle in fact in was totally to any gay question i am now to going to confession lol!!!
lol pudds... ya daftie.. I think you will find that our main man pickle will forgive you - ok, you may have to do his washing up and laundry for a year or two, but he is one of life's gems... definitely worth knowing !
Nothing wrong with gays .

I couldnt eat a whole one tho.

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In a Pickle I Apologise!!!

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