Prince charles hunts or has done so, he was in the press raising concerns over the wider environment, ( re: climate change,) so to use an animals environment for amateur sport is acceptable although for man to use/pollute the environment for his fellow human/animals in other instances is not?
It's a foxes nature to kill as much as it can, then it will- if left undisturbed return later to collect its other kills. It's only the fact that these kills get discovered in the meatime that we believe that they kill for the fun of it.
Ummm. I've no problem with fox hunting as long as it's done humanely,ie with a gun. Not being chased to near exhaustion with a pack of hounds. And there is really no excuse for stag hunting with hounds.
a pack of foxes (one years brood) can wipe out a poultry farm in a night. How can you have your 'organic' eggs & poultry with fox-eradication restrictions?
China doesn't abide by above laws, hence most is imported from our peril.