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Do they call it crosswords

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Doc.Spock.1 | 18:34 Sat 01st Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
cos they are always arguing.

Have a look, so funny.


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Hi Doc......I've been following this too.................... zles/Crosswords/Question649491.html
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ha ha
Ok so what is your response then? Do we presume that people are too thick to correct their mistakes?
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Don't spit your dummy out at me, I am not even doing the bl00dy crossword.
Ooh it's like scary bingo syndrome!

My friend took me a few times and quite frightening how seriously people take it!

I can't keep up dabbing my numbers!
Just asking the question. LOL. Spitting out the dummy just because I ask a pertinent question. ROFL.
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Kellys eye.
good question Catron...........but, I've given answers before which don't seem to fit the given letters...... only to be told I must be wrong :o(
"Tie up shortly No 1" (3,5)

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Do they call it crosswords

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