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Women are dirtier

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legendis.god | 12:16 Tue 04th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
The university of colorado has done research and discovered that womens hands are dirtier than mens.
Infact women have 150 different forms of bacteria on their hands .

So where do they come from ?
Makes you think dunnit ?

Bring on the wet wipes



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rabbitygirl, by using a nail brush you are passing on germs and not getting rid of them, how many people use a toilet brush to clean the loo? one of the most unhygienic things to use
just shows us women work harder than men ..hee hee
Us men, we're all the same 4get.
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They say thats why women were given legs.

Well youve seen the mess a snail leaves ??

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Women are dirtier

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