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Senior Moments!!!

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puddicat | 18:40 Tue 04th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
64 Answers
Just laughing at this one, "I cut the end off a packet of biscuits and promptly emptied the contents into the bin"any other abers done daft things lol!!!!


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Oh I just remembered that after I broke my leg and hadn't driven for 7 weeks I got in car and turned ignition and it wouldn't start ... And when I rang my man and told him he said what niose did it make when you pressed the starter button ? and I said ooer...... ( it was a long time ago and it was a frog eyed sprite ) And it was the same car that I had jumped in front of to stop it when the hand brake failed and it rolled away and that's how I broke my leg. PS I sold it not long after.
This is a lovely thread .Puts it all into perspective .I have laughed myself silly .
I can't drive .Have never had any interest in learning although one of my brothers valiantly rode my absentminedness to try and teach me many years ago . We fell out big time :)
Hence I know nothing about cars .My sons do ..but I keep out of it !
However many years ago we did have a car and we were travelling by Norfolk Line .Mr S was away and they phoned up wanting to know the make and size of said car etc ....
I had no idea ...I said .. "It's red and has four wheels ":....he's never let me live it down :)))
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Love u shaney lol!!!
Puddi have made my day. I was well down in the dumps with my aches and pains and I have had a really good laugh.....thank you xxx

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