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whats that ?

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legendis.god | 01:17 Wed 05th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
whats that comin over thehill ?

is it

a monster?

is it a monster??


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No you narna - it's your trumpet! : )
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well time for the last post

da da daa

da da daa

da da daa

da da daa

da da daa

da da ddaaaa

da da daaaaaaaaa

da da daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

nytol x

more like sounding the retreat! X
You too hun. Blow, don't suck. You might swallow it! x
Lol @ rabbity.
thats one of my sons favourite songs, hes so cute singing and dancing to it.
I wish...: You could remove certain memories from your mind, ewwwwwwwwwww
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And the relevance is gmod ?

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whats that ?

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