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Not a Guy.

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Bbbananas | 13:59 Wed 05th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
It's my son's birthday today. He's 26 (I was a very young mother). Did I call him Guy? Errr, no. That would have been very naff & he would have hated me for it.

But, does anyone know anyone called Guy born on Nov 5th? There must be plenty of folk named Holly, Carol, Merry etc born on 25th Dec. Or named for the month (april, May, June etc), or even the day (Tuesday, Sunday etc). Any other known naffs?


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They wouldnt be so cruel or would they???
I know someone named Jesus, who was born on the 25th of December.

Not reeeeally :-)
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Seriously, the midwife suggested I call him Guy. I was pretty delerious, but not enough to go along with that.

I called him Daniel. (Daniel Fawkes).
One of my sons was born on a friday the 13th and it was a horrible birth resulting in a caesarian.

I nearly called him Damian!!!
i remember years a go some one saying his name was guy fawkes also born in nov .
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Hey - you should have called him Caesar!
Lol @ sally!!

Believe you me, I have called him much worse!!
Christ i'm dim- it wasn't until I started reading the second paragraph that it made sense why the name Guy was thought of and disregarded.
My sister's friend's sister - called her son Elvis. That was 45 years ago, but have no idea if he changed it by deed poll.

Yes, Elvis may have been the 'King', but naming your son after him, I mean.......
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When I want to wind my son up (especially in front of girlfriends & friends) - I call him by his childhood nickname - Daniel Spaniel.

He is not amused. :-)
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Elvis - good one!
It could have been worse - she could have been an Englebert Humperdinck fan.
lol salla!

I'll never forget the day I bumped into this girl in the street. I said how cute her two week old baby was & asked what she'd called him. She very coyly whispered "Elvis". I said how nice it was, but wondered how much stick he would get when starting school or later in the pub, bless him!
Isn't it hard to lie and say the new baby's name is lovely when you think it's horrible?

The same is when it's ugly and you desperately try to make the appropraite cooing noises.
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My kids went to primary school with brothers called Clint and Wayne (dad was a fan of cowboy films!).

Clint ended up in the Army - Gawd knows what stick he got there.
lol BOO. That has happened to me a few times over the years.

But you know what they say 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. ;o}
My sister-in-law is called June - but her birthday is in April! apparantly they couldn't think of a name and it was June before they registered her. I was in labour on the 3rd of July, and the 4th so the midwifes were suggesting Sam, however my son wasn't born until the 5th! so we ignored them.
*I mean me looking at other people's babies BOO, not them looking at mine of course. lol

We all think our own babies are beautiful. ;o}
I know twins born on xmas day called Holly and Ivy! No joke im afriad!

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