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hearing voices

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crackadoodle | 13:16 Wed 05th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
do you? have you? I listen to voices all the time. sometime i do what they say. last time i cook egg frie rice wear nothing but a pair or boxer short on my head


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You are certainly a bit of a wag
Question Author
i like dog waggy tail. am i a wag if i like a dog waggy tail?
You sound like a few neurones have gone walkies
Question Author
i like take dog walkies and if dog waggy tail me very like
I hope they were clean boxers - nothing worse than preparing food with dirty undercrackers. Doodle-doo.
Did you hear that? I'm sure someone just howled "doodle doo"...
crackadoodle, would you like to come round tonight? NOT if you are a bloke though.
Perfect place for you to wear boxers. D!ckhead.
Grav, you need to see a psychiatrist !!!!
Question Author
sorry no i will be stalking the local neigborhood tramp. i think he is alien and has plan to wipe out humans and he hold the key to time travel so i stalk him every night
well lets face it gravy anythings better than going round whiffeys for a fhoul curry
Do you mean that strange and forlorn guy who stands every day at the end of the footpath alongside Croydon cemetery? He stands there motionless for hours on end, day after day.
Question Author
yes that very man. he not standing still he frozen time
so whifeey you also dog your local tramp then
One morning as I was cycling to work he was standing in the wooded bit fiddling with his belt. As I cycled home past the same spot I noticed a very large light brown deposit. It has remained indelibly on my mind, the place will never be the same again.

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hearing voices

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