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The first Black President of the USA

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breakmyballs | 15:59 Wed 05th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
So what will this mean? More fried chicken fast food restaurants? More basket ball parks opening?

how will it effect us?


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Do you really give a toss??

And why should it affect you??????
Well maybe we'll be able to see what our PM looks like as he takes his head out of Bush's a*s, before he inserts it in Obama's. Apart from that it won't affect us at all, unless Obama decides we're going to declare yet another war somewhere with oil.....
Me.. SCEPTICAL???? Never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hey fg dont break my balls over this its just a question
-- answer removed --
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what the president?
No, you Grav!
Question Author
who is grav? this is crazy

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The first Black President of the USA

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