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Drisgirl | 20:03 Thu 06th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I am only catching up here -but seems like if you post a thread you only get one EMail now if there is a reply instead of tons.
Is this a new intoduction to the site?


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I'm still loads every time I post a q, fills up my inbox.
me too
Me too , get an email for each answer that is .
Question Author
O I just get one -thats strange.

Honest im not winding.

I came in from work to see I had one reply to different 2 threads -went on and I had 10 on one and 2 on the other.
I haven't been getting any!!

Suits me fine!
Question Author
Thanks for verifying that for me FG -cos its hard to answer your threads if no Email.

I have been chasing my tail -mainly cos of that newbie dustinmyeye -she/he seems intent on having me running from thread to thread -you get them dont ya lol
hey Dris you been to Iceland yet?
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O All -it was blo0dy fantastic- i cant recommennd it highly enough.Thanks for asking.
�250 each for a 3 night stay in Reykjavik -stunninbg vibrant city -2hrs from GW and and cos of their unfortunate economic misfortune -it was cheaper than Scotland.

If anyone wants to go somewhere totally and utterly unique its the place to go -I cant wait to go back -didnt even have time to see the Aurea Borealis (total sp?) but some Americans I met at the the Blue Lagoon (fabby) went and they saw them -its hit or miss depending on the conditions

We want to to get a lodge next time and go out with a squad -it would be acey macey -even got the barmans Email addy as he has the lodge and i have the house in Spain and he loves golf and we could do a swap -so im tempted to EMail him cos I am so up for it lol .Think he was as well -the swap that is lol
Wow you really did have a blast didnt you - glad to hear it, sounds amazing.
So "thats why mum went to Iceland" as the ad says lol

You'll be hoping back and forth by the sounds of it.
We had their weather up here this week eh, minus 4 and freezin fog, heard it was bad at your bit.
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Been pretty bad but hey used to it -even bought ear muffs from Tescos and i swear i would recommend then to everyone -they were brilliant -just �3 a pair and darned funky as well.

J has got herself another job in P -she needs it -good one tho so I can stand down for a wee while.

Hows B of E -I know someone who stays there -way older than you or me but was a prolific writer on fishing of all things and he had a silly name which will come to me -good locals there im led to believe from his ex lol

Like I said before (maybe) only there when Dave broke his back shoulder shattered his wrist and a few other insignificant injuries -he was lucky to escape with his life then -airlifted and then blues and twos to good old B of E -just so happens I had fallen down the stairs and was bandaged to my thighs so I hirpled in -I had been in Brum when his accident happened --he was in the same ward as my cousin who had shattered his elbow and in the next ward to my auntie who had discs removed and was totally stabilised-o was a grand time for us all to get together so it was. lol

Just Nissan huts as well -thing was H's mum was the Ward Sister at that time -how weird and wonderful lifes twists and turns are.

O i just took myself back then -I had forgotten all those memories -must be a good sign that they are re-surfacing.

Hope youre happy there hun x

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