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Hmm, now shall I...

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hippyhoppy | 23:03 Fri 07th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
open that second bottle of wine..? or have an early night... hold on Alan Carr's just come on the TV!! I think I know the answer...


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Don't do it wiffey ......... nothing's that bad ........
hippyhoppy well if theres a leak have a third! LOL

Gormless, can I just say that I award you a great big gold star for one of the funniest things that I have read in a long time. ***
Can I ask a serious question before I get another large vodka. What's with the stars. Do you win an award of some kind for getting stars. Is it a mucky weekend in Brighton or something similiar? Or a ticket to the Jeremy Kyle Show?
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You get a lovely warm feeling - oh -sorry - that's cos you've not made it to the loo in time!!
I've done that a few times! Don't get stars for it though. Just a mop and bucket.
hippyhoppy, you are such a lush ;-)

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Hmm, now shall I...

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