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Good morning and welcome to the weekend

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johnny.5 | 07:28 Sat 08th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Good morning one and all
Am I right ?
I'm not wrong !


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mornin johno5. Quick in an out for me today. Daisy
Morning johnny and ddaisy
Yes it is morning but dark, wet & windy here. Hope everyone has a good one whatever the weather
morning Jimbo, ddaisy and bensmum, its the weekend and Im still in bed.. woo hoo!

morning late people who follow. and what time do you call this?

have a good one :o)
Morning :) Looking forward to the day ahead as going to see my mate in Huddersfield, having a new hair do and hopefully upgrading my phone from the stupid one I have at the moment :)

Hope everyone has a lovely day xxx
morning everyone, Im off to hobbycraft today to get all the ingredients to make a new bag from scratch (daughters homework) then I have 4 baskets of ironing to enjoy..I really mean enjoy
morning jonny and all--no ailments mentioned yet i see
daisy enjoy your quick in and out
morning johnny .nice wet cold weekend :(
Good morning all xx been up a while and just off out now, have a nice day
Good morning everyone.
Like cazz, I also have a pile of ironing to do so see you all later.
good morning people! well the sun is out at the moment! no grey day here as yet! hope it stays that way!
Have a good day everyone.

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Good morning and welcome to the weekend

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