When I was watching the Eastenders Omnibus this afternoon. Bianca was working in the Cafe and was talking to a reporter. Bianca said that she couldn't give an interview as Max was her uncle. How can this be ?
Bianca's Mum Carol is daughter to Jim Branning who is Max's Dad too so that makes him her uncle. I must admit I get confused when it comes to that family lol and how they are all related!
thank you, that side of the family is very confusing all I remeber is that David Wicks was (is) Bianca's father thus making Pat the aunty. Will he make a comeback sometime
Jim Brennan (Dot's husband) is Father to Max, that other brother and Carol (Bianca's Mum). Plus that other sister, the one that is dating Phil and about to move in! She is also Max's and Carol's sister.