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joggerjayne | 20:51 Mon 10th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers


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Did you get your batteries for your rabbity thing? I thought you'd have it hot wired into the national grid...hence the power cuts & dimming light in the South East;-)
how about ghosts, we have a resident one, she's been here for over eight years now and she is so nice and helpful
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Not been out for batteries, carrust.

I was gonig to ask the first person who posted a question ... What makes a good friend?

Do you fancy that one, carrust?

Hi, Pru. Eight years? I thought ghosts had usually been around for ages.
A new thread, JJ; how about knit one, perl two?
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Nice one Stewey.

Good little play on words, there.

I presume you don't actually knit !!?
I think it's someone you can be brutally honest with. My best mate had a quad heart by-pass a couple of years ago, & the silly sod's smoking again...I gave him what 4...he thanked me for being honest.
As a kid, yes....but only in the closet:)
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I agree carrust.

"Give it to me straight" is a good quality.

she has been around since her proven mortal demise in 1642 but she only found me about 8+ years ago, we've had all the top professors up here (not the sandals and beards brigade, these people have come from america, switzerland, australia and beyond, not ordinary punters but the most proficient psycological academics in their field, just wish I could sit down and talk to you about it, its absolutley fascinating, the family tree is on the internet and she shares my name, love you to bits, great poster as you are, prudentia xxxx

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