Spectator 1889 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Spectator 1889

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shaneystar2 | 14:20 Mon 10th Nov 2008 | Crosswords
7 Answers
40A Chief officer berating a lancer
36 D (unclued light )
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40a Aga ...from g a (l)ancer

Do you mean 35d?

Sorry Shaney you clearly do mean 36d from the letters.

FALA - Pres. Roosevelt's dog
Doh I meant 35d.
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Thanks K
Yes I did mean 35d ..sorry . The print on my copy is blurred and I have to keep squinting at it .
I had gone very wrong on 32a and 33d
Can you confirm Korma and Skirr ?
Hello Shaneystar, yes those are correct. 35d could also be NANA, the dog in Peter Pan!
Question Author
Thank you both ......Heads or tails then !
No, it has to be one or the other because these answers are a jumble of the omitted letters in the clued lights.

I haven't finished it yet, so I can't help... but there must be only one possible answer.

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Spectator 1889

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