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christmas is coming

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afcjan | 00:19 Wed 12th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
right, driving back from Tesco this evening, we see a house all lit up with christmas decorations, lights etc. flashing at the windows.

Santa in the garden too.

Is this a record???


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I think that Christmas should be over the top this year. More and more councils are getting touchy about Christmas, afraid it will offend other religious groups. It's a load of rubbish, we usually go to a Bangladeshi restaurant on Christmas Day and it is fabulous. You have to take your own drinks but they are more than happy to provide glasses and they open all the bottles for you. Also there is always Carols playing in the background, you get paper hats and crackers and the service is second to none.

Awww - well I think it's nice to help the residents in care homes, with putting Christmas trees and decorations up. Once you get going pasta - it'd cheer you up to do your bit.
blow the �2-whatever in the bank. Some more'll be going in soon!
Hi rabbity - not you as well??
Lol - loved the pound shop idea!!! Mwhahaha!
My tree & decs only go up on Dec 1st otherwise I feel it drags on too much waiting for the big day :o)

I recently mocked a girl I know when she mentioned she was putting up her tree in october!! Imagine what a fool I felt when she explained that she had more or less cancelled christmas last year after losing her mum so was making it extra special for her kids this year, so was starting the christmas spirit early!

This is my mums first christmas without my stepdad which I'm dreading, but I'm hoping she will spend it here with me & the kids & we can make it as 'normal' as possible :o)
Hiya icey. Fraid so, but I'll probably get into the spirit nearer the time....and the wine, and the chocs and the....

ahhhh...the wine
makes it all worthwhile
Sright pasta. I'm off now. Lousy night last night. Loads going on - including interviews!!!!

And I don't want to oversleep or anything!!!!

Tee hee.....nite hun, Icey, and all, including leg in his cell....

Night night rabbity - make yourselves a big fat christmas cake if you get the time! : ) xx

That's better pasta! Start as you mean to go on!! xx

Hi Jo - this is it, isn't it? We never know the reasons behind people doing things that might seem a bit "odd", do we? The lady who's put her outside decorations up very early though, has a donation box for passers-by to pop loose change into. the money goes to children's homes. Fair enough.

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christmas is coming

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