Recycle Bin ? in The AnswerBank: Computers
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Recycle Bin ?

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raichu | 02:21 Thu 13th Nov 2008 | Computers
2 Answers
I have somehow managed to delete my recycle bin (completely) cannot find it anywhere (LOL) Can anyone advise me as to where it may be / how I can get it / a new one back onto my desktop - simple terms please - Thanks in anticipation. Kay.
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Right click on desktop and choose Properties. Choose the Desktop tab and then click on Customize Desktop. In the middle you'll see the Recycle Binicon. Click on that and then the 'restore default' button.

If that doesn't fix it come back as there are other remedies.

if you're on Vista, right click desktop, personalize, and from the left hand menu click on change desktop icons. Put a tick in the box next to recycle bin

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