Smallest Country in The AnswerBank: People & Places
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Smallest Country

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hugoboss | 13:24 Wed 16th Mar 2005 | People & Places
8 Answers
What is the smallest country in the world?
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The vatican at .2 square miles, population 770 (I thinks it also has the lowest percentage of woman in its population)  The next smallest is Monaco at .7 square miles
Vatican City... 0.2 square miles (0.44km2)...
Hmmm... synchronography strikes again...
i think it's vatican city..it's only 0.2 square miles.i heard that somewhere anyways 
To be more precise, it's 108.7 acres (1 square mile is 640 acres) which is about 0.16984 square miles.

It depends on what you mean by 'country'. Have a look at this site http://geography.about.com/library/weekly/aa040600a.htm

where you will find two significant details - I won't call them 'facts', as I have no axe to grind either way. One is that, strictly-speaking, the Vatican itself might not fully qualify as an independent country and the other is that the Knights of Malta's HQ in Rome might equally claim to be a 'country' in some people's eyes.
Yes, I know it's not on any UN etc etc list...so you needn't bother listing reasons why the above is wrong...I'm just suggesting anyone who cares might be interested in the information. 

Awesome Quizzy

there is a place called piel island by barrow in furness,

the owner is apparently technically a king - i don't know whether this constitutes a country but we walked around the edge of this place in about 20 mins - pretty small

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