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Diva Demands??

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puddicat | 18:38 Fri 14th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Mariah Carey seems to be queen of diva's, wonder if she ever reads whats written here in the uk about her, or do you think her lackies keep that from her, as she seems to get worse not better!!!


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with all her millions do yuo thyink what the likes of you or me actually makes a bit of difference?

if so then yuo rate yuorself a bit highly

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no suppose about it

she could buy and sell anyone on here thousands of times over

in cases like that

youre less than insignificant
Hi puddi,
I saw her sing live on tv & was dissapointed. But! I still love her.
I hate her music. All wobbly.

The more she reads about being a diva the more she'll like one as she think she deserves it.

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Diva Demands??

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