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legendis.god | 10:52 Sat 15th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Was poundland created by god so that poor folk could go shopping for hours and always come bag with 2 bags of totally essential tat ?


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My daughter just got a job in the new pound shop in YORK. She works damn hard and says they never stop.
There is some great stuff in them if you have a good look.
Just had to pop back here to tell you about another fab product available in Pound shops- that woven mesh stuff on a roll that you can cut to size and put underneath things to stop them slipping + sliding about (bit diificult to describe really), but trust me- it's really useful.
(i'm away off now, cos i'm even boring myself) xx
^^^ its good stuff, we put it under the dogs bed to stop it sliding.

i love the poundshop but the only problem i have with it is i go in for nothing and come out with an armful of stuff and 15 quid lighter.
Question Author
Dusty if you come out fifteen pounds lighter


Personally i loove the poundshop as weal rememebered

so if you wanna find one
look here spx

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