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what song

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legendis.god | 17:26 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
In a song someone sings

" you pms like a b�tch "

Anyone know what its called?

And i know its not whats new pussycat by tom jones , as its a new song and not an oldie . : 0)


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Katy Perry: Hot N Cold y+perry+hot+n+cold&search_type=&aq=0&oq=katy+p erry

I've never heard of it, but googled it in one second.

Google is your friend, Legend
Question Author
Lol i know ethel

but the g button on my keyboard aint working so i couldnt type gooogle

Thanks ethel and snagged tooo.

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Have you got a google search box in your browser?

I literally hightlighted the words in your post, right clicked and clicked 'search google for...'

All very quick and simple - no typing required
Hey, what a star our Ethel is!
Question Author
Or i may have been being a wee scamp ???


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what song

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