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Christmas Cake Cooking Time

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buzybee | 18:26 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
i made a christmas cake today all went well but receipe said to leave in in for 3 1/2 hrs then check. then depending on whether its cooked or not a further 1 hr more. mines been in for 5 hrs now and still the metal skewer i put down into the middle of the cake to check if its done come out with moist cake mix on it. NOT GOOD!
i made one last year it came out fine BUT last year i didnt have a fan oven!

any tips? :)


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i dunno but i thought fan ovens were quicker not slower?
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Thats wat i thought but its taking other half is going on about the electricity bill....bloomin scrooge!!!!
You don't want it drying out in the oven as it will dry out anyway!!!
I made a Christmas cake once and it ended up being in the oven all night as I got fed up waiting for it to cook so I put it on a low light and went to bed.It turned out ok though, Mr Prim said it was the nicest he'd tasted.
if there is fruit in it i think that plays a part in the cooking it done yet lol?
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