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The bnp question

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legendis.god | 12:19 Wed 19th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
If you knew someone was a bnp supporter or had voted for them.
Would it alter your opinion of them ?
If you werent already aware of it and thought they seemed really nice , would you then suspect that they maybe werent as honest about things as you may have assumed ?

Would it possibly clash with your views on immigration /religion and would it change your relationship with them in any way ?

Yes or no answers are as relevant as in depth ones on this id imagine.


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I expect your low opinion of Ray has devastated his self-esteem and ruined his day, legend. For my part, I'd consider it an honour. No, no need to say anything, I know how you feel.

Sorry Legend, but Ray's right. He said, very civvily that he had a relative who was in the BNP and that he liked him, you immediately called what he posted a load of rubbish. Not nice.

You can't blame people for having the impression that unless they agree with you 100% you will automatically dismiss their views.
No legend I know the people involved, and despite you thinking they are some sort of scum, you are so far off the mark, and the truth of the matter is everybocy on this site WILL be related to somebody in the BNP, I am not clever or intelligent, just have an opinion different to yours, if you think I am therefore thick, thats ok, I have been called far worse. really must go to work now, cheerio all.
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They are fascist not patriots ray

thats a fact

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