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no win situation

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chas2008 | 11:22 Thu 20th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
why is it when my wife talkes to me and i dont hear her its MY fault for not listening, yet when i talk to her and she doesnt hear me its still MY fault for not talking loud enough...
women !!! i give up..........


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and you've only just realised this is how they work??

What planet have you been living on :)
Morning Basil

Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.

Basil Fawlty: I was just doing it, you stupid woman. I just put it down, to come here and be reminded by you to do what I'm already doin'. What is the point in reminding me to do what I'm already doing? What is the bloody point? I'm doing it aren't I?

Basil Fawlty: Don't be alarmed, it's only my wife laughing.

Question Author
then theres the other female classic-- they ask you a question, but whatever answer you give its the wrong one...
Men are always in the wrong, they are programmed that way. And women are programmed to always know that they are in the right.

Accept that, and your life will be much easier.
T.I.C. ;-)
its a womans prerogative !!
When a woman asks a question, then yes, there is a certain answer that you have to give that is the right one. The trick is to read the situation, combined with the woman's expression on her face, note which way she is looking, remember anything that has been said previously in relation to the question, and then watch the smile on her face when you get your answer right.
It's an art, and not many men have mastered it.
Women understand women so why can't men?
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Mr No knowledge, you really do have the perfect name, it really suits you.
^^^and then you get men like this^^^^

Lol @ no kno.
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Ooooooooooohh you fibber! you were just trying to stir things up.
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no win situation

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