For a long time now we have all been asked to recycle everything from paper, cans and plastic to old books and clothing. we have always been told this is to *SAVE THE PLANET* (but I have always thought it was more about making money) . This week our local council has asked residents not to put margerine tubs or plastic bottles in the recycling bins with no explanation, I have just seen on the news that most councils no longer want paper or plastic as the bottom has dropped out of the market and they can no longer make money out of it !!... So what the hell happened to saving the world ???. From now on everything is going in one bin
I'm with you on this one sprayer. I recycle (or attempt to) to the point that I no longer put out any black bags. If it's vaguely plasticky or cardboardy or metally it goes in one bin, glass or anything vaguely papery into the other.
If there are any problems, I expect the council will sort them out, I have at least tried.
I have 4 bins:-glass, paper, plastics, general rubbish. I can also request an uplift of garden rubbish if need be. I saw a telly program a couple of months ago that proved seperating rubbish was a waste of time cause it ended up in the same dump!