Windy, turned colder and just had a very sharp hail storm down here in the softie south (Hampshire). The sun is now shining so it's a mixture of weather. Glad we don't have the snow though
I love that fresh blanket of newly fallen snow...but only if I don't have to drive anywhere in it. It's nice to look out of the window and see it from the comfort of a warm and cosy room. Otherwise it's a pain in the buttocks.
I'm soooo jealous. Good luck to you,wish I lived in that lovely warm climate.
Been out for quick shop today, and soon rushed back home hee hee. (very cold )
Justme expect a shed load of visitors soon, we want some of your sun, its cold here in the scottish borders, heavy frost over night, no snow..thank godness i hate the stuff too, i agree with aprilis lovely to look at from out of your cosy house but horrible to be in. The sun has been shining but has now clouded in, better not speak to soon about no snow.