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apologies to puddicat

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evedawn | 13:32 Sun 23rd Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
i've just logged onto AB for the first time in a while and i MUST apologise to PUDDI - i tried to give advice (re: cooking roast beef) to another member and said that the advice had been passed to me by pasta but it WAS PUDDI....

sorry puddi!!!!


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Hi evedawn no problem,hope you are well!!!
Question Author
Yup i am ok thanks. Had a good w'end...watched the rugby on telly y'day wayhay! Cold out there today though!
gonna be putting the sunday roast on soon....

how have YOU been?
Well there is a carpet of snow here,with a vivid blue sky,quite mild,going to ring my son in northern ireland and make him jealous cos he loves the snow, i am just getting over bronchitis but other wise well!!!
Question Author
My parents live in SOuth Africa and they're jealous too cos i told 'em of the carpet of white outside!

Hope you're completely better soon.
hey-they both start with a 'p'
easily done...I do it all the time-lol

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apologies to puddicat

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