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bazigi | 01:48 Mon 24th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
where is everybody


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dear ethel is that your real name. that was a loveyl smiley face
Hi Ethel, didn`t know you were there!

Baz, expect people are drifting off to Nod, as I am now.

Nitey nite
I'm over there... look... just to the left of that big tree in the distance
Question Author
chuckfickens i just looked out my window and saw you next to the tree go home or i'm calling the feds
Damm spotted again!!!
a sleeep

wer else

lol xx

typing in my dream

You should crouch down Chuck - it's the shadow that did it.
just logged on, cos me cant sleeep :(
im normally in bed by now!! i went to bed around 11.30pm, but woke up eyes wide open :(

i got work in the morning :'(
h iwhite bear

you in polar land now

lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

long time no hear x
Hi WB!!!! i was about to say the same thing. Are you feeling any better hun? x
I'm here ensconced on the other side watching you all talk to each other.
polar land? i wish :P

yeah long time no c, just havent been on AB, been trying to do something more interesting than being on here.. :P but nothing to do at this time :(

how u doing?

nite stew
hey icey hows it going?
im ok thanks, been tryin to keep meself busy like go out and stuff rather than stuck here being depressed :D

but i need to get to sleep cos i got work soon :( help !xx
See ya, chico.
Night monty - and hi stewey.

WB - I owe you an em, but I've been inundated with them. Soon as I catch up - I'll be in touch. xxx
hey icey!!
no worries about the EM :) just take ya time..

:) xxxx ithink i will try and sleep in thirty mins time

I've got to get off now anyway. said goodnight to you all on Leggy's thread. xxxxx

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