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puddicat | 21:18 Mon 24th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
The young eighteen girl that is about to have siamese twins,she is apparently homeless!!!


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To give birth to conjoined twins at any age would be difficult but to be 18 years old and homeless as well she must be very stressed!
The young girl is not homeless, she and her husband live with her parents. And to all accounts she is a very good mother to the small child they already have.
I read yesterday that she,her husband and their daughter live with the parents of one of them......don't think that is homeless!!
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she'll be entitled to some sort of social housing soon, it's not really a worry. Good luck to them all, must be very, very nerve racking. I'm not so sure its a pregnancy I could have continued with (but then I dont know at what stage you find out how and where they are conjoined, apparently they have a good chance of survival in this case) so yeah, I admire her on that front.
The young couple were evicted from their home for non-payment of rent, and already have an 18 month old daughter. To know that they're going to have two little babies who could have to face all sorts of problems, must be extremely stressful.
I hope that the children can be separated, as it appears that they don't share a heart - in which case there's a chance for them both, but this couple and their family are going to need all the support they can get, because life's not going to be easy.

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