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Not a lot changes round here

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Curvylady | 22:57 Fri 28th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
are the usual crowd still hanging around.


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yes for the most part, lurking in the shadows or using an alias
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beauty sleep time beckons.
gud gud gud
dont like a lot of change.s i like notes .

so to speak


im knobbs sisss xxxxxxx
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Joined back in May but work abroad mostly.
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Just looked thru' my history and cant find if we have chatted before knobby...
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Cheers Knobby, sorry for delay, just had quick shower. Congratulations on your marriage.

Single is the life for me I am afraid.
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I may stay, depends on work prospects. Things a bit gloomy at the mo.
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Now it is bedtime, night.

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Not a lot changes round here

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