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Hey it's way past my bed time .....

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mrs.chappie | 02:12 Sat 29th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
So I'll bid you all goodnight!

Catch yer later buddies!


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Question Author
Night doll. xxx
night mrs chappie x
Question Author
Night lil. xxx
I'm off too as well Mrs C.
Got to get up about 8am.Taking my mum to the supermarket car park for her to catch a coach for a day trip out somewhere.
Sleep tight!!
xxxx :-))
Question Author
Night Imo. xxx
night mom talk soon xx
Question Author
Night me little pink twinkler. xxx
night hun xxxxxxxxxx
Question Author
Night doll. xxx
Night mrs. c

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Hey it's way past my bed time .....

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