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xmas carols

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zzxxee | 14:19 Sat 29th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
whats your fav xmas carol and why?????? i like hark the hereld angels sing because it reminds me of when i was in nativity plays at school in the bleak mid winter is also a fav of mine i just like the words very dickensian


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In Dulce Jubilo and In the Bleak Midwinter (that one makes me feel sad) There is another favourite but I can't remember it (senior moment!).
I love the different harmonies on Hark the Herald Angels sing especially when sung by a full choir.

I've always liked Once in Royal David's City and Ding Dong Merrily on High.

Isn't Ave Maria a carol, love that too.

Every Christmas morning my mum puts on her Carols from Kings CD and it's lovely.
My favourite is Silent night, always takes me back to my childhood.

hi yoga, really good to see your name xx
I had a similar thread in the post of the week comp over in polls section a while ago.
It seems people don't want carols anymore, but modern Christmas songs.

I made up my own Christmas song in my thread.
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i also love kiddie songs to like when santa got stuck up the chimney its great when you get aroom full of little ones getting all excited shouting achoo achoo achoo lovely
Hi ray! Hope you are OK and enjoying the seasons - nature wise. xx

Just remembered I like Unto Us A Boy Is Born.
Don't know reasons really, just like them!
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dont think i no in dulce jublio yoga sound very opera like??????????
My fave carol is Once in Royal David's City.

It is very haunting I think and sad!
When the kids were younger their primary school always did a Nativity Play. Away in a Manger sung by the little ones always brought a lump to my throat, (as well as a laugh at some of their antics lol )
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we always changes the words while we were at school such as whilst shepherds washed their socks by night and we three kings of lester square selling ladies underwear so fantastic, no elastic, only a penny a pair
Same here Rosetta, whenever my kids sing Away in a Manger and Silent Night at their school plays I have to take a few deep breaths to stop me from welling up

It's partly sung in Latin ture=related

Mike Oldfield recorded it as well
Silent Night. I used to sing it to my daughter when she was born. (it was Christmas time!)
I like See Amid the Winter Snow. It's not sung very often but we used to sing it at school in the choir. I must admit to liking the traditional carols - watching Carols from Kings on Christmas Eve is a tradition of mine
Does Fairytale of New York count ?

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xmas carols

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