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legendis.god | 00:55 Tue 02nd Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
have a wall or a fence round your garden ?
or neither ?


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A force field!
Flippin' eck.....are you bored tonight or what? lol!
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rabbs not at all

just being observationally comedic


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Barbed wire fencing... armed snipers in lookout towers... patrolling German Shepherds...
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wall on one side, fence on t'other. We would like to put new fence up to match, but don't want nice neighbours to think we being funny!! :-)

Pickle, you lucky thing, I would love a huge garden, land, paddocks, etc, anything like that. Did once live very rural location, but do like being close to people again now...
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I have ships, helicopters, and underwater boats protecting me whilst ensconced in my bailiwick.
Both. And a really mean cat.
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id suggest a good lock on the front door

and a high fence out back

incase a man is brougyht home

dont want him to escape

do ya ????

Good grief stewey! Esconced??? We have something like that on our cellar walls, to put candles into!! : )
I rather think that I have soldiers billited in my dungeon: dragoons, I believe they're called.

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